This is enrolment for the MEFA Self Study course.
It's identical to the original course, but is lower priced, does NOT include my personal feedback, and it can be accessed right away (i.e. you don't have to wait for a specific start date).
Everything else is the same.
If you've reached an "okay" stage in English, but still feel stuck and unable to speak well... despite years of study... then don't worry.
If you want, I can get you started on the path to transforming your English speaking in as little as 90 days.
Here's the story:
Over several years, I worked one-on-one with coaching clients who all paid me between 3 and €5,000 for the opportunity. At the same time, I was working on my PhD research – studying the best way to help people like you to speak more fluently and naturally, with a minimum of stress. I helped my clients to take their "okay..." English and turn it into something amazing.
I helped them overcome their problems with speaking. And to use their English in their real work and everyday life without having to resort to yet more boring grammar study... memorising yet more random words... or going to pointless conversation classes that "feel good" but really, do nothing useful (and sometimes even make things worse).
And I did all of this while perfecting my methods.
Then at the end of 2018 I decided to take everything I know about mastering spoken English... and turn it into a complete step-by-step group-coaching system called the Master English FAST Accelerator Implementation Course.
What I found is this:
The best results come from a short, very intensive period of training designed to fix specific problems fast… followed by a longer, but consistent period of learning over time.
Here's an analogy to make this simple:
Have you ever seen a rocket take off ?
NASA engineers report it takes a massive explosion of energy—3.5 million kilograms of thrust, in fact—to fight gravity, and get up off the ground, and into space.
But once there?
The space shuttle just glides along easily, with no resistance.
This is what the Master English FAST Accelerator course does for your English Speaking
What matters for the rocket is that first push off the ground.
That’s the same for you with your English speaking.
Get the first 90 days right, and from there constantly improving and making each and every conversation you have in English better than the last can become easy.
But if you try to skip this?
You’ll be working from the wrong foundation, and you’ll struggle.
This is what the process looks like:

The MEFA course is all about the first 90 days.
Starting with that explosive blast of energy to get your English up, and going forward.
Again, from there, it's a simple case of consistently implementing what you've learned over time to keep getting better and better and better.
But before you think of joining...
First, this course is expensive and not at all a "magic pill" approach to improving in English. You won't learn sexy, "secret techniques" to getting fluent in English with no effort. They don't exist. And in fact, you'll likely have to "unlearn" a lot of the bullshit you've been told, as well.
Second, there's no money-back guarantee. I do this to ensure only the most serious, dedicated students join.
Third, participation is mandatory. Don't be a dumbass, join, and not do the work.
There is research showing the average completion rate for online courses is something like 5 to 15%. The completion rate for MEFA at the end of 2020 was 96%, and since then, it's up to 99%.
Here's what this means:
Do not be a fool and join this course on impulse without seriously thinking about it first.
In fact, if you have any doubt whatsoever, then this is not for you.
To help you decide if this course is for you...
Here's how it works
In the MEFA course you'll create a daily English learning plan that is structured, consistent, easy to do, customised to you personally, and, most importantly: based on methods that work.
You’ll create a strong English habit so that you get everything right now… then put your improvement on autopilot.
Like any valuable skill worth learning, it takes hard work, dedication and the process is intense.
But my goal in MEFA is to:
How much of a "boost" you can get in that short time depends on many factors. But I believe anyone who listens to advice, turns up and does the work can see significant gains in their speaking proficiency before the end of the course.
In the case of some past members, we've been able to make small fixes that have had a massive impact on their performance in far less than 90 days: recent graduate, Jojo, for example, had stopped worrying about her English and said she felt "confident and focused" when speaking after just 30 days.
You may not get the same result that fast; but this gives you an indication of what's possible.
MEFA is highly interactive.
After you enrol, you'll register on the website, and you'll have acces for four months. Details of each week's Group Coaching call will be sent to you by email. These calls are where you ask questions if you're stuck, and they are also where we customise everything you learn to you personally.
A Note on Scheduling
Most of MEFA is designed to be completed in your own time, though most people will need on average around an hour a day to do the work well.
The main weekly sessions are pre-recorded, and it's best you do these one a week.
The only parts which have a specific time are the weekly group coaching sessions and the monthly parties.
I schedule the coaching calls based on my own schedule that week, so the time changes a lot – however they're most commonly at around 11am Ireland time for an hour on Wednesdays or Fridays when I'm in Ireland... or if I'm traveling (and I often am) 11am of whatever time zone I am in. This said, even if you can't make it in person, all calls are recorded and you can also ask questions via the email discussion group.
There are also monthly parties just for fun, and these are normally (but not always) the last Sunday of the month.
Here’s What YOu'll do
Rewiring Your English
Recondition Your Behaviour
Implement Daily Learning
How Language Works
Data Driven Learning
Retrodictive Learning
Fluency Building
Eliminate "Mental Gymnastics"
Learn From Every Mistake
Going Beyond Speaking English "Well"
To be eligible to join MEFA you need to meet the following requirements:
If you don't meet all of the requirements, MEFA is not right for you.
More Awesome Stuff to Get You Started Today
I've included some bonus self-study training, in addition to the actual course. I've included these because they compliment everything we do.
You don't have to do these. But I recommend it.
They are:
The Taipei Training
A 2 Hour English Mastery Crash Course to Get You Started Improving Your English By the End of Today.
If you want my advice?
The moment you enrol in MEFA, open your ‘Bonuses’ email, click the link to this 2 hour video and study it right away.
The Taipei Training contains a fraction of the information and techniques you’ll learn in the MEFA course itself. But this is the fastest, easiest way to get started.
Here's the story:
In December 2019 I was invited to Taipei to do a special event for my BFF Mayi Lin and her business partner Kennith (who run the English school “Leeds Mayi”). We wanted something that could be done in just two hours… but which would have MAXIMUM impact on her students’ speaking ability.
The Taipei Training is what I created.
It's a two-hour crash-course in everything you need to know to start improving in English as quickly as possible.
The Power of WHY Training
The "Big WHY" that allows you to start this adventure moving in the right direction
Why do some people improve in English so fast?
What is their secret?
And where does their motivation come from?
I'll tell you this:
It's not because they're "talented" or "more intelligent" than you. What they do isn’t magic, and it’s not special, either. In more than 15 years of coaching English learners I've noticed something: most people fail to improve their speaking simply because they're doing the wrong things.
Their learning is random, messy and unstructured.
They heard they should listen a lot… so they listen a lot. Someone told them they should do “shadowing”, so they do shadowing. Another person said they must read the newspaper every day, memorise more vocabulary or study more grammar… so that’s what they do.
Yet, they still don’t improve.
The answer is simple:
They’ve skipped the first, very important step to improving in English. And as a result, they don’t know what they personally should be doing to get maximum improvement for minimum time and effort.
In this training, I want you to stop.
Take a breath.
And go right back to the start.
This is the exercise all my one-on-one coaching clients do FIRST when they start with me, before I allow then to start anything else. And I want you to do it too.
because doing this will help you to:
Now, be warned:
This isn’t a “magic pill”.
Everything I’m talking about here is part of the same process I use in my coaching programmes with my best clients. But it won’t necessarily be easy.
But then, the best things in life never are, are they?
The 432 Exercise
The best exercise I know for building topic-specific fluency, fast.
This is an exercise you use to build fluency in specific topics that you desperately need to get right, in as little as 9 minutes.
MEFA Trainee Rick said:
"Wow Julian, he 432 exercise - powerful stuff. English expressions and a richer vocabulary just bubble up after going through the cycle 3 or 4 times. And my English stays activated throughout the day."
And he's right.
It is IS powerful. And you'll be getting the 30-minute training to do before the course starts so you can get using it right away.
In the training we discuss:
I learned this exercise at an Academic Conference I attended in 2013, and when I heard about it I was very surprised. Research has shown this to be a very, very effective way of building fluency in topics fast ... but nobody outside of academic research has ever heard of it.
Again, this isn't a magic-pill.
Nothing I teach is.
It takes a little work, but it's work well worth doing.
This is also only a fraction of what you will learn about fluency building in the main course. Remember: this is designed to get you moving right away so that, ideally, you'll already have started improving before the course even starts.
"The Lost Event"
Leverage the power of "LKC Thinking" to sound intelligent and sophisticated in English
This one is a lot of fun.
A while ago I went digging in my archives to see what else I could give you right away related to the MEFA method.
And I found the recording of an event I'd completely forgotten about.
It was the first live event I ever did. I didn't sell this or release it to the public, so unless you were at the event this is the only way you can get it.
Here's what it's about:
The seminar goes into detail about my philosophy for speaking high-level, high-quality English – and indeed, for going far beyond just English.
It's about developing yourself as a person, alongside your English... and by doing so speaking at a higher level, in line with your personality (and in a way that is interesting and engaging for other people).
English Quick Start
The fundamental principles of learning English, or any other skill, quicker than anybody else
This is a 1-hour 20-minute training I did all the way back in 2014 where I teach you 4 principles for learning English (or, to be honest, anything) faster, and at a deeper level.
The content is great, if not a little old looking (my fashion and haircut are, to be frank, embarrassing...).
In fact, if you use English as a tool to learn other things this will be especially useful, because again, the four principles discussed here are relevant to anything – not just English learning. They're exactly what I do in my own study, both languages and any other topic I'm learning about, whether marketing, business and entrepreneurship, about the science of sleep, psychology or writing.
Confidence Quick Start
Overcoming the three evolutionary fears of great English speaking
This is another 1.5 hour or so training I did in 2014 with embarrassing fashion and hair.
Yes, I really did have no sense of style all those years ago.
In this one, I teach you the 3 most important aspects of confidence when it comes to speaking English as a second language, and how to fix them easily. These three "fears" exist because of the way human beings have evolved and they used to help keep us alive... but in the modern world, they're pretty much useless and hold you back.
This training will be especially useful if you're shy when you speak, or not confident about using English in front of people.
Join Us
The course fee for the self study edition of the course is €400.00 and you'll get four months access.
Note: the price goes up regularly, and without warning. So it may not always be the same.
Enrol here:
As soon as you enrol, you'll be sent to a page to start the registration process (don't worry - it's super quick and easy).
With that, I'll see you on the other side.
Dr Julian Northbrook
P.S. Got a question about MEFA before you join? Just email me:
I personally reply all sensible questions.