Filed Under:
June 10, 2020 , by Dr Julian Northbrook
learn english pronunciation
Why is English pronunciation hard to learn?

English pronunciation: why is it hard to master? In this article, I cover the three main reasons and give you the best exercise for fixing these problems.

Filed Under:
June 9, 2020 , by Dr Julian Northbrook

Question: do you do enough in English? If you don’t see progress, I can almost guarantee that you absolutely do not.

Filed Under:
June 7, 2020 , by Dr Julian Northbrook

The answer to the question if you should keep reading in English even if it’s hard is yes… and no.

It depends on whether what you’re reading aligns with your “Why”. And by Why I mean the entire reason you’re even reading in English in the first place.

If, for example, you want to get good at casual conversation but you find yourself struggling to read an academic paper or newspaper articles. Of course, if you’re only reading those, it’s going to do very little to your conversation ability. Sure, you’ll get things to talk about. But the actual language used in those academic papers or newspaper articles is fundamentally different to what we use in conversations. So there’s little point in struggling with them.

However, if your goal is to get good at academic reading or reading a newspaper article, then reading those things is going to be essential even if it’s hard now.

Ultimately, we get good at what we do.

So if you’re reading something and you find it hard to understand, you shouldn’t stop reading it just because it’s difficult. Instead, build a routine of focused intensive learning combined with usage and exposure based on that material.

Again, we get good at what we do.

But there’s only any point in doing that if, again, it’s aligned with your Why.

Basically, the materials you use should always target what it is you actually want to do in English.

I’ve got a free training here that can get you started and give you some ideas about the right method, materials, and mindset for you personally… but of course, we’ll have to customise it to fit your situation.

Hope that helps.

Dr Julian Northbrook

Filed Under:
May 28, 2020 , by Dr Julian Northbrook

Do you struggle to write emails in English? This is easy to fix, but only if you understand your big problem (hint: it’s not making grammar mistakes).

Filed Under:
May 22, 2020 , by Dr Julian Northbrook

The Rocket Launch Method

Filed Under:
May 17, 2020 , by Dr Julian Northbrook

The Rocket Launch Method