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The Accelerator Model Part 2 – Fix Your Messy, Chaotic English

July 29, 2020 , by Dr Julian Northbrook
You might have fluency in English, but is your speaking clear, orderly, and natural? If not, don't worry: I'll show you how to fix your messy English. Speaking English well means a balance of three things: fluency in English, confidence with using it in the real world, and naturalness when speaking. If you've got only one or two of these things, your English will be imbalanced. In this article, we're going to look at what happens if you skip the "naturalness" stage, and just "talk talk talk" your way to fluency.

The Problem with "Talk Talk Talking" your way to fluency

Generally, people who learn this way have a lot of confidence: they are outgoing and extroverted. And yes, having a lot of confidence in English is a good thing. But it can also be a double-edged sword. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFMJZWfW9Hg

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On the one hand, this confidence is very much a good thing. A confident person will make use of the opportunities that come their way, and improve as a result. People who have no confidence won't (and if that's you, there's an article here). On the other hand, someone who’s very confident won't care much about their mistakes and messy English enough to fix it. They go out there, throw themselves into speaking English and do an OK job... but as a result, they get stuck at a weird level where they’re able to communicate very well, and fluently. But never go past that. Yes, they tend to build fluency in English pretty well. But the naturalness side of things lags far behind, and they end up speaking fast, but very messy and chaotic English that is hard for people to understand.

The Solution

Improving in English in a balanced way requires two things to happen:
  1. Focused learning using high-quality materials.
  2. Extensive relaxed "doing".
True mastery is always going to come from BOTH of these things happening again and again. If you don't know how to do this, I've got a free training here that can help. Best, Julian Northbrook

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