I’m so happy.
Today I get to go to my favourite place in the entire world.
The Tokyo Immigration Office.
In case you’re not as good at picking up on sarcasm as us Brits are, when I say “happy” and “favourite” I am being very sarcastic.
I’m not happy in the slightest.
There are few places I hate as much as the immigration office. Never mind that it takes so damn long to get there.
But since I actually want to get my Japanese residency, I basically have to just do what the immigration office says, whether I like it or not. If they say, “get here now,” get there I will.
Pre-order for my book is now open.
It’s called:
Master English FAST: An Unconventional Guide to Speaking Extraordinarily Eloquent English without Making Mistakes, Forgetting Your Words or Causing Cringe-inducing misunderstandings
Can you tell I like long titles?
It costs £19.97 + £3.15 postage and if you get it now you’ll also get the complete audio book totally free (which will sell separately later).
I’m expecting to have the book finished by mid-June, and then by time the publishing company gets it, sorts out all the legal stuff and runs the first batch of printing, sends the a proof copy to me for approval etc… it should be ready to send late June or early July.
But although you’ll have to wait for the book…
It’ll be well worth it to get the audio version included (which I’ll be selling separately after the book is published).
Pre-order your copy of Master English FAST here and get the audio version completely free.
Julian Northbrook
P.S. What are you waiting for?
Pre-order your copy of Master English FAST here and get the audio version completely free.
Note: use the “book presell” template — there will be a different link for different people
also no “p.s.” for the people with the “ MEF” tag