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I’m Running the Taipei International Marathon

September 27, 2019 , by Dr Julian Northbrook
Really not sure how this happened… … but one minute I was mindlessly surfing t’internet, and the next minute I’d registered on the Taipei International Marathon: https://vimeo.com/362699562 It’s a guaranteed place (so I guess that means it’s not mega-popular) and non-refundable, so, er, yeah. Looks like I’m running a marathon. Okay, okay, so although yes, it was completely impulsive - I hadn’t even considered the idea until about an hour ago - it wasn’t totally random. One of the things I’ve been working towards over the last few months is engineering my business and life to allow me to travel more. The goal is simply to go places, meet my EES members (who’re scattered all around the world), make videos and just, well, have a bit of fun. And run marathons. ‘cos why not? And I’m starting with Taiwan. ‘cos, well, why not? Of course, the main reason is that Taiwan is our third biggest member-base (after the UK and Japan), and I consider it my duty to learn about the country, it’s culture and it’s language. That’s in December, anyway… In the meantime, I’ve got a PhD thesis to finish (not to mention a language to learn). While I do that, you can (and should) click here and consume my free training. [Julian]

P.S. Discover the 5 changes my best clients are making to transform their English, FAST ー here.

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