Lockdown Lifestyle – A Special 9-Part Strategy Discussion for Dealing with the Current Fucked-up World and Flipping Crisis into Opportunity

After talking to many of my coaching clients, EES members and MEFA trainees over the last few weeks, I’ve come to a simple conclusion: many people are having a tough time right now.

Some more than others, to be sure.

But most are feeling the effects of COVID-19 and struggling to one degree or another.

Here’s what I propose: many of the common things people are struggling with can quite easily be “flipped” into opportunities to come out of this situation stronger.

So what I’ve decided to do is host a special five-day live event, starting Monday, April 27th.

This video explains:

In the video I discuss:

  • The background for this special event.
  • The three main challenges people face right now (while none of them are to do with English exactly, all of them are very relevant to improving as a second language speaker and using English well).
  • The three opportunities you may be able to “flip” these challenges into.
  • My 9-part “game-plan” for getting this done.

The Lockdown Lifestyle Schedule

Over the first three days, we’ll get together each day for about an hour to discuss the three changes people are facing right now, and my nine-strategies for dealing with them.

Day 4 will then be an open Q&A, and Day 5 will be a chance to kick back and relax with the virtual members’ party.

I’ll run the whole thing live on Zoom, and Days 1-4 will be recorded (the recordings won’t be published publically, but they will go up on the members’ website).

How can you participate?


Update Dec 2020: I won’t be repeating Lockdown Lifestyle, however, I will be covering the 9 strategies again as part of my new “Kicking Ass in 2021” event, which is free to MEFA and Extraordinary English Speakers members.

Julian Northbrook

P.S. Any questions, email me – Julian@www.doingenglish.com.